Interviewed by International Channel Shanghai
International Channel Shanghai interviews JUCCCE Chairperson Peggy Liu on pollution in China. #Press #InternationalChannelShanghai...

Financial Times: China is Building Faster Than it Can Teach its People to Go Green
Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson of the Financial Times quotes JUCCCE Chairperson Peggy Liu in his article on air pollution in Wuhan. I was...

Slate: Can China be Green?
Slate’s Daniel Gross talks to Peggy Liu about whether China can develop a low-carbon economy. Here’s an idea. What if China could evolve...

Smartplanet: Can the World’s Most Polluting Country be an Ecotourism Pioneer?
Smartplanet’s Gabrielle Jaffe consults Peggy Liu on the prospects of ecotourism in China. Try to picture an eco-paradise. As the world's...

TED2014: China's pollution problem is everyone's problem
TED’s Kate Torgovnick May blogs on JUCCCE Chairperson Peggy Liu’s TED talk. “I am so happy to be here, because I can actually breathe the...

Shanghai Daily: People Who Walk the Eco-Talk
Shanghai Daily spoke with JUCCCE Chairperson Peggy Liu and other local environmentalists about living sustainably. As dangerous smog...

Aren't We Clever
Note: The following article appeared in the New York Times. What a contrast. In a year that’s on track to be our planet’s hottest on...

Peggy Liu Visits the Hotchkiss School
On October 6th 2009, Peggy presented at Hotchkiss School on China’s environmental situation and what JUCCCE is doing to combat this....

China poised to go all out with clean tech
Note: The following article was taken from SFGate. China is at a crossroads. This nation of 1.3 billion people is faced with the daunting...

China takes initial steps on path to creating smart energy cities
Note: The following article was taken from China Daily. If you compare modern photographs of colleges in the English university city of...