Founding of JUCCCE
JUCCCE was founded after the MIT Forum on the Future of Energy in China, the first public dialogue on clean energy between US and Chinese government officials. The range of participants extended from key government advocates such as Mark Ginsberg of US Department of Energy, Steve Papermaster of US President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Xu Dingming of NDRC, and Jiang Zhaozu of NDRC investment Association Committee, to top professors from MIT, Tsinghua, and Fudan universities. Technology companies, venture capitalists, lawyers, management consultants, and NGOs were all well-represented by leaders in their sectors.
After in-depth cross-border and cross-sector discussion, forum speakers, sponsors, and attendees all called for more programmatic collaboration, rather than clean energy "shuttle diplomacy" between China and the US. In response to this demand, and in order to address the myriad of environmental issues that affect China, the Joint U.S. China Collaboration on Clean Energy (JUCCCE) came to fruition on April 3rd, 2007.