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Over 200 Mayors Trained!

As of January 2012, JUCCCE has trained over 200 Chinese mayors and 50 state owned enterprise executives across different sectors on how to build energy smart cities. Together these mayors represent over 400 million people.

At last November’s mayoral training, we gave out copies of our Chinese translation of the PlaNYC to 55 mayors, JUCCCEr Steve Hammer spoke about Climate Change Adaptation and discussed increasing need for ecotourism solutions.

We at JUCCCE are currently looking for companies and donors to help train another 150 mayors this year. As a donor, companies can host meals and provide speakers for our trainings in Beijing with direct access to key, local decision makers. Past dinner hosts include Coca Cola Company and General Electric.

JUCCCE would also love to collaborate with speakers on subjects related to energy smart cities. In the past we have had speakers from the the World Bank, Tsinghua University and the former mayor of Salt Lake City.

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