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Danone first full executive Greater China meeting features JUCCCE keynote and Food Heroes

Major French food product corporation, Danone, held their first meeting of all executives from all product lines for Greater China. This meeting was the launch of Alimentation, Danone CEO’s vision of how sustainability can be integrated into the company’s mission. JUCCCE Chairperson Peggy Liu was invited to present the keynote speech on sustainability trends in China. The Food Heroes game booth introduced Danone executives to JUCCCE’s practical food education program.

Peggy used her speech to point out that Danone has an amazing platform and the resources to generate change. Danone has a major role to play in teaching youth to make the right decision with each bite and can be a leader in the adoption of sustainable food packaging. As a global corporation, Danone’s support for biodegradable plastic would down bring the price of sustainable packaging, making it easier for other companies to follow suite.

Danone currently collaborates with JUCCCE on the development of game-based food education for schools.

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